Posts Tagged ‘ lift ’

Fun with liftweb and jquery dialogs

Here’s a sample of jquery-ui (version 1.8) dialogs in lift,
the code (a little ugly) can be found here :

The sample has two main classes

  • 1: JQueryDialog

    Allow create generic dialogs from templates or with explicit content
    We can create a dialog like this :

    new JQueryDialog(<div>Dialog content</div>) {
        override def elementId = "dialog_id"
        override def options = "modal:true" ::
                               "title:'dialog title!'" ::
                               "open: function (event, ui) {alert('dialog is opening!');}" ::
  • 2: FormDialog
    To create generic dialogs from templates and with default actions (close)

    val item = new Item
    def _template: NodeSeq = bind("item",
                TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate("templates-hidden/item" :: Nil) openOr
                                               <div>{"Cannot find template"}</div>,
                "name" ->
    val dialog = new FormDialog(true) {
        override def getFormContent = _template
        override def confirmDialog: NodeSeq = SHtml.ajaxSubmit("save",
                () => {println(item);this.closeCmd}) ++ super.confirmDialog

Logging database changes in lift-mapper

Here is a little trick to log the changed properties
on the lift-mapper objets.

  • First we define a changeLogger trait that extends Mapper

    trait ChangeLogger[T <: Mapper[T] ] {
        def checkChanges(obj: T): Unit = {
            if (obj.dirty_?) {
                Log.debug("Object " + obj.getSingleton.dbTableName + " has changed")
                obj.formFields.foreach(f => {
                    f.dirty_? match {
                        case true => Log.debug(" ---> Property %s was='%s' and now is = '%s'".format(,, f.was.toString))

  • Extend LongKeyedMetaMapper (or any other MetaMapper class) to call ChangeLogger checkChanges method after save (or after delete …)

    trait ChangeLoggerMetaMapper[T <: LongKeyedMapper[T]] extends LongKeyedMetaMapper[T]
                                                    with ChangeLogger[T] { self : T =>
        override def afterSave: List[(T) => Unit] = checkChanges _ :: super.afterSave
  • Model object

    class Item extends LongKeyedMapper[Item] with IdPK
                                             with ChangeLogger[Item] {
        def getSingleton = Item
        object name extends MappedString(this, 100) {
            override def validations = valMinLen(1, "Must be not empty") _ ::
                                       valUnique("Name must be unique") _ ::
    object Item extends Item with ChangeLoggerMetaMapper[Item] {
        def findByName(name: String): List[Item] = {
            Item.findAll(By(, name))

The code can be found on

Documentation for lift-mapper (version lift-1.1-M6)

Sample list items with lift

Add/Edit/Remove items in lift sample

  • 1- Create the menu in boot

    in src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala

    // List items menu
    val itemsMenu = Menu(Loc("Items", "items" :: "index" :: Nil, "List items"))
    // Build SiteMap
    val entries = Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home")) :: itemsMenu :: Nil
  • 2- Define the default database
    The properties in src/main/resources/props/default.props with the connection url

    db.driver   = org.h2.Driver
    db.url      = jdbc:h2:~/hello_db
    db.user     =
    db.password =

    in src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala

    DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, DefaultDBVendor)
    Schemifier.schemify(true, Log.infoF _, Item)
    object DefaultDBVendor extends ConnectionManager {
        def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Box[Connection] = {
            try {
                val connectionUrl = Props.get("db.url").openOr("") + "?user=" +
                                    Props.get("db.username").openOr("") + "&password=" +
                val dm = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)
                return Full(dm)
            catch {
                case e: Exception => {
                    return Empty
        def releaseConnection(conn: Connection) = conn.close
  • 3- Create items/index.html
    in src/main/webapp/items/index.html

    <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
                    <item:name />

    and snippet in src/main/scala/com/sample/snippet/AdminItems.scala

    package com.sample.snippet
    import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text}
    import net.liftweb.util.{Helpers, Log}
    import Helpers._
    import com.sample.model.Item
    class AdminItems {
        def list(node: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
            Item.findAll match {
                case Nil   => Text("There is no items in db")
                case items => items.flatMap(i => bind("item", node, "name" -> {}))
  • 4- Add item form

    create a template for add/edit items in src/main/webapp/templates-hidden/item_form.html,
    we are going to use the same template for edit and add items,
    using TemplateFinder in AdminItems snippet

        <legend><itemForm:title /></legend>
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <itemForm:name />
        <itemForm:id />
        <itemForm:submit />

    we are going to use two requestvars to decide when to display the edit form or the add form

        private object ShowAddItem  extends RequestVar[Int](0)
        private object SelectedItem extends RequestVar[Long](0)

    declare a showAddItem and showEditItem function in adminItems snippet

        def clear = {
        def showAddItem(node: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
            ShowAddItem.get match {                
                case 1 => {                        
                    var name = ""                  
                    val template: NodeSeq = TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate(ITEM_TEMPLATE :: Nil).openOr(<p></p>)                                                                     
                    val content = bind("itemForm", template, "title"  -> Text("New item"),    
                                                              "name"   -> SHtml.text(name, name = _),                                                                                   
                                                              "id"     -> Text(""),           
                                                              "submit" -> SHtml.submit("save", () => addItem(name)),                                                                    
                                                              "close"  ->"index", () => clear, Text("close")))                                                              
                case _ =>"index", () => ShowAddItem(1), <p>Add</p>)
        def showEditItem(node: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
            if (SelectedItem.get > 0) {             
                var id = SelectedItem.get           
                val item = Item.find(id).open_!     
                var name =
                val template = TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate(ITEM_TEMPLATE :: Nil).openOr(<p></p>) 
                val content  = bind("itemForm", template, "title"  -> Text("Edit item"),      
                                                          "name"   -> SHtml.text(name, name = _),                                                                                       
                                                          "id"     -> Html.hidden(() => {id = id}),                                                                                    
                                                          "submit" -> SHtml.submit("save", () => saveItem(id, name)),                                                                   
                                                          "close"  ->"index", () => clear, Text("close")))                                                                  
            else {                  

    Now we can call the showEditItem and showAddItem snippets functions in items/index view

    <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
                    <item:name />
                    <item:edit />
                    <item:remove />
        <lift:adminItems.showAddItem  form="POST" />
        <lift:adminItems.showEditItem form="POST" />

    The attribute form=”POST” on the snippet will create a form with method=”POST” automatically arround the snippet content.

    And that’s it, a simple list with liftweb.
    The code can be found on

Lift testing with dbunit and specs

Here’s a post about Lift and testing,
using scala specs and dbunit.

We can use dbunit to populate a sample database for testing purposes,
in this example we are going to use the embedded h2 database.

  • 1. Create a sample liftweb (1.1-M8) application using maven 2.2

    mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.0-alpha-4:generate        \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb        \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank        \
        -DarchetypeVersion=1.1-M8        \
        -DremoteRepositories=        \
        -DgroupId=com.sample -DartifactId=hello

    And add the testing dependencies to pom.xml (specs, h2database and dbunit)

  • 2. Create a sample model vo (Item with name and id)

    in src/main/scala/com/sample/model/Item.scala,
    a sample object with a string attribute name that cannot be empty.

    package com.sample.model
    import net.liftweb.mapper.{By, IdPK,
                               LongKeyedMapper, LongKeyedMetaMapper,
    class Item extends LongKeyedMapper[Item] with IdPK {
        def getSingleton = Item
        object name extends MappedString(this, 100) {
            override def validations = valMinLen(1, "Must be not empty") _ ::
    object Item extends Item with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Item] {
        def findByName(name: String): List[Item] = {
            Item.findAll(By(, name))

    We can test the compilation to let maven download the dependencies
    without testing : mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

  • 3. Create a sample Specs test file for item

    in src/test/scala/com/sample/model/ItemSpecs.scala,

    package com.sample.model
    import org.specs.Specification
    import org.specs.runner.JUnit4
    class ItemSpecsAsTest extends JUnit4(ItemSpecs)
    object ItemSpecs extends Specification {
        "Item" should {                     
            "do nothing wrong" in {
                true must beTrue
  • 4. Create a database util class to initialize database and populate data

    in src/test/scala/com/sample/utils/DBUtil.scala,

    it will initialize the default database connection identifier using the properties file in
    src/test/resources (by default src/test/resources/props/test.default.props)

    and will let us choose a dbunit dataset file to populate the test data using

    package com.sample.utils                                                     
    import net.liftweb.mapper.{DB,
                              ConnectionIdentifier, DefaultConnectionIdentifier,
    import net.liftweb.util.{Log, Props}                                        
    import org.dbunit.dataset.{IDataSet}
    import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.{XmlDataSet}
    import org.dbunit.database.{DatabaseConfig, DatabaseConnection}
    import org.dbunit.operation.{DatabaseOperation}                
    object DBUtil {
        private var dataset: IDataSet      = null
        private var dbunitConnection: DatabaseConnection = null
        lazy val connectionIdentifier: () => ConnectionIdentifier = {
            () => DefaultConnectionIdentifier                        
        def initialize = {
                                      new StandardDBVendor(Props.get("db.driver").openOr(""),
        def setupDB(filename: String) = {
            this.dataset = new XmlDataSet(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename))
            DB.use(connectionIdentifier()) {
                conn => {
                    this.dbunitConnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn)
                    DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(this.dbunitConnection, this.dataset)
        def shutdownDB = {
            DB.use(connectionIdentifier()) {
                conn => {
                    try {
                        DatabaseOperation.DELETE.execute(this.dbunitConnection, this.dataset)
                    catch {
                        case e: Exception => Log.error(e.getMessage)
  • 5. Now we can do some more interesting test

    using a sample dataset in src/test/resources/dbunit/item_test.xml,
    the lift Shemifier class will create the database table on the beggining of the test
    and destroy it at the end.

    package com.sample.model                                                        
    import net.liftweb.mapper.{Schemifier}
    import net.liftweb.util.{Log}         
    import com.sample.utils.DBUtil
    import org.specs.Specification
    import org.specs.runner.JUnit4
    class ItemSpecsAsTest extends JUnit4(ItemSpecs)
    object ItemSpecs extends Specification {
        "Item" should {                     
            doFirst {                       
                Schemifier.schemify(true, Log.infoF _ , Item)
            "save without problem" in {
                val item = new Item
      "item name")
       must beTrue
                (Item.findAll.length == 3) must beTrue
            "find by name" in {
                val items = Item.findByName("Item 1")
                items.length must_== 1
            "delete without problem" in {
                val items = Item.findByName("item name")
                items.length must_== 1
                items(0).delete_! must beTrue
                Item.findAll.length must_== 2
            doLast {
                Schemifier.destroyTables_!!(Log.infoF _, Item)

Simple and funny 🙂

The sample code can be found in

Lift-LDAP module updated


Some code cleanup …
Now it’s easier to create the user model object and customize it.

  • The LDAPProtoUser defines now the ldapRoles SessionVar to get the user roles or groups.
    Also defines the rolesSearchFilter and rolesNameRegex to search and get the roles/groups.

    trait LDAPProtoUser[T <: LDAPProtoUser[T]] extends MegaProtoUser[T] {
        self: T =<
         * User Roles LDAP search filter
        def rolesSearchFilter: String = "(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(member=%s))"
         * Regular expression to get user roles names
        def rolesNameRegex = ".*cn=(.[^,]*),ou=.*"
        object ldapRoles extends SessionVar[List[String]](List())
        override def getSingleton: MetaLDAPProtoUser[T]
        object uid extends MappedString(this, 64) {
            override def dbIndexed_? = true
        object dn extends MappedString(this, 64) {
            override def dbIndexed_? = true
        object cn extends MappedString(this, 64) {
            override def dbIndexed_? = true
        def getRoles: List[String] = {
            return ldapRoles.get
        def setRoles(userDn: String, ldapVendor: LDAPVendor): AnyRef = {
            def getGroupNameFromDn(dn: String): String = {
                val regex = new Regex(rolesNameRegex)
                val regex(groupName) = dn
                return groupName
            // Search for user roles
            val filter = rolesSearchFilter.format(userDn)
            val groups =
            groups.foreach(g => {
                ldapRoles.set(ldapRoles.get + getGroupNameFromDn(g))
  • The user model object only has to redefine the roles search (the ldap search sentence or implement a setRoles function to realize the custom search)

    class User extends LDAPProtoUser[User] {
        def getSingleton = User
    object User extends User with MetaLDAPProtoUser[User] {
        override def screenWrap = Full(<lift:surround with="default" at="content">
                       <lift:bind />

    Overriding default values …

    object User extends User with MetaLDAPProtoUser[User] {
        override def loginErrorMessage: String = "'%s' is not a valid user or password does not match"
        override def ldapUserSearch: String = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"
        override def rolesNameRegex: String = ".*cn=(.[^,]*),.*"
        override def rolesSearchFilter: String = "(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(!(cancellationdate=*))(member=%s))"
        override def screenWrap = Full(<lift:surround with="default" at="content">
                       <lift:bind />

Now have to remove some unused imports 🙂


One of the requisites to start using Lift at my work, was to use LDAP authentification.
So i wrote a little module lift-ldap for that and a sample app, it was damn simple !

To use the module,

  • 1. lift-ldap requirements in maven pom.xml
  • 2. Create the user object in src/scala/com/sample/model/User.scala

    package com.sample.model
    import scala.util.matching.{Regex}
    import scala.xml.{NodeSeq}
    // lift ldap
    import net.liftweb.ldap.{LDAPProtoUser, MetaLDAPProtoUser, LDAPVendor, SimpleLDAPVendor}
    import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Full}
    import net.liftweb.http.{S, SessionVar}
    import net.liftweb.mapper.{KeyedMetaMapper}
    object roles extends SessionVar[List[String]](List())
    class User extends LDAPProtoUser[User] {
        def getSingleton = User
        def getRoles: List[String] = {
            return roles.get
    object User extends User with MetaLDAPProtoUser[User] {
        override def screenWrap = Full(
        override def dbTableName = "tmp_users"
        override def login : NodeSeq = {
            val groupNameRx = new Regex(".*cn=(.*),ou=.*")
            def getGroupNameFromDn(dn: String): String = {
                val groupNameRx(groupName) = dn
                return groupName
            def setRoles(userDn: String, ldapVendor: LDAPVendor): AnyRef = {
                // buscamos o grupo do usuario
                val filter = "(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(member=" + userDn + "))"
                val groups =
                groups.foreach(g => {
                    roles.set(roles.get + getGroupNameFromDn(g))
            login(setRoles _)

    The User object has to provide a setRoles function to the LDAPVendor (when do login),
    so we can customize the way in which we retrieve the credentials from LDAP (from a group of names or a custom object)

  • 3. Initialize the LDAP configuration in Boot.scala (src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala)

    We can pass a properties file to the SimpleLDAPVendor
    SimpleLDAPVendor.parameters = () =>
    or just manually :
    SimpleLDAPVendor.parameters = () => Map("ldap.url"  -> "ldap://localhost",
                                            "ldap.base" -> "dc=company,dc=com",
                                            "ldap.userName" -> "...",
                                            "ldap.password" -> "...")
  • 4. A LoginUtils class (src/main/scala/com/sample/lib/LoginUtil.scala)

    To determine when the user is logged or have some credentials

  • 5. Create the security rules in Boot

        LiftRules.dispatch.prepend(NamedPF("Login Validation") {
            case Req("group_required" :: page, extension, _) if !LoginUtil.hasAuthority_?("sample_group") =>
            case Req("login_required" :: page , extension, _) if (!LoginUtil.isLogged) =>
                    () => Full(RedirectResponse("/user_mgt/login"))

And that’s it 🙂